The journey of Kailash Mansarovar Yatra 2024 from Nepal is admired as one of the holiest pilgrimages for advocates of Hinduism, Jainism, and Buddhism. Concurrently, it perched as one of the most demanding sacred adventures in Asia.

This stunning Kailash Journey leaves you in between the Mount Kailash (6638m) and Lake Sarovar (4590m) leaving a great impression in your heart and soul forever. The utmost MountKailash Mansarovar pilgrimage tour is to experience the exceptional demonstration of the supreme deity Lord Shiva, personified in a unique black stone form.

Every year, thousands of enthusiasts to this spiritual summit soaking themselves in the holiness of its pristine lake and encompassing the mystical Mount Kailash. Holding a huge religious connotation, the Kailash Manasarovar Tour is the journey tailored to the Tirtha Yatra by conceding and worshipping devotees to discover fresh significance in life.

Mt. Kailash tour is a dream destination cherished by many pilgrims where the journey is filled with full of adventurous trails, religious temples, fascinating landscapes, spectacular snow-capped mountains, gleaming lakes, and unreal scenery.

Table of Contents

 Mount Kailash: Your Yatra in 2024

Mount Kailash Mansarovar Yatra is held yearly in Tibet and is cherished as one of the holiest voyages globally. Perambulating Mount Kailash, the home of Lord Shiva, and dipping into the untouched waters of Lake Manasarovar are adhered to wash away sins and lead to deliverance. This Kailash Manasarovar Yatra presents both physical and spiritual trials, yet it grants subtle rewards.

Generally, the pilgrimage tour takes around 14 days to conquer the summit and covers a distance of approximately 1000km. The journey commences from Kathmandu, Nepal and concludes with a spiritual yatra in Tibet. From the religious sites of Nepal to the sacred sites of Tibet, the Mount Kailash Yatra is an adventure of a lifetime to showcase the top famous UNESCO world heritage sites of Nepal offering unique ancient cultures and mystical sites in Tibetan Buddhism, including Mount Kailash, Lake Manasarovar, and the Lhasa Potala Palace.

Plan your Kailash Mansarovar Trip in 2024. It will be the best time to embark on and get an incredible experience for a lifetime. Challenge yourself throughout this tour walking in high altitudes, rough terrain, and also in unpredictable weather conditions, but Yatra is worthwhile which connects you with your spiritual side and lets you experience the beauty of the Tibetan landscape. The Eternal Himalaya Team will take care of every perspective you want to experience in this pilgrimage tour

Mount Kailash manasover tour

Planning your 2024 Mount Kailash Mansarovar Yatra Pilgrimage Tour

Kailash Mansarovar Yatra is one of the thrilling adventures that connects both Nepal and Tibet set amidst the surreal beauty of nature and spiritual sites. With adequate preparation and careful planning, the trek can be completed successfully. Before planning for the tour in 2024 make sure to know some of the things that will ease your journey for sure.

  • Choose a trustworthy tour operator. Many tour operators in Nepal offer Mount Kailash Mansarovar Yatra packages. It’s necessary to choose a reputable operator that has experience in organizing this pilgrimage tour well. Research and study reviews before booking the tour.
  • Well in advance book your tickets because Mount Kailash Mansarovar Yatra is a popular pilgrimage and tickets may become unavailable fast. It is preferable to book your tickets before 6-8 months, especially if you are planning during the peak season (May/September).
  • Obtain the necessary permits. Indian citizens necessities a special permit to enter Tibet. Those permits can be obtained from the Chinese Embassy or Consulate in India. Foreign citizens need a Tibet Travel Permit additionally a Chinese visa. The Tibet Travel Permit can be acquired through a Chinese travel agency.
  • Prepare yourself for high-altitude trekking as Mount Kailash Yatra takes you at the high altitudes terrain, where the air is thin and the oxygen levels are low. Proper acclimatization is the most needed to conquer the summit. Spend a few days in Lhasa or another high-altitude city before starting the yatra.
  • Pack properly. The weather in Tibet can be unfavourable, so it is important to pack adequately. Carry warm clothing, even if you are travelling during the summer months. Pack comfortable walking shoes, sunglasses, a hat, and sunscreen.

Experiencing the Mount Kailash Mansarovar Yatra 2024

Holy Pilgrimage Kailash Mansarovar Tour takes you to some of the most amazing sites in Tibetan Buddhism. Within the journey in 2024, explore both Nepal and Tibet in one package of Kailash Mansarovar Yatra. Experience the historical sites of Nepal, mesmerizing Himalayan sights, religious temples, cultural villages, adventurous terrain, tranquil lakes and many natural wonders along the Mansarovar Yatra. Truly an admirable journey for adventure seekers and spiritual enthusiasts.

The tour takes place from the capital city of Nepal, Kathmandu with an exploration of renowned and historical sites. Keeping the history in mind & be ready for a scenic flight to Lhasa, Tibet. Enjoy a delightful landscape of lofty mountains, charming valleys, and glorious lakes. From there, pilgrims make their way to Mount Kailash encountering various ethnic groups enriched in their cultures and traditions. Learn more about different religious practices and gain a deeper appreciation of the world's diversity.

However, the journey is full of challenges but afterwards, with the rewards you’ll witness is just worth watching. As the journey stops at the eventual destination, Mount Kailash pilgrims are filled with a sense of awe and appreciation. The magnificent peak, considered the abode of Lord Shiva, emits spiritual energy. Pilgrims perform kora, a ritual circumambulation of the mountain while reciting mantras and prayers.

Hence, the experience is both physically and spiritually demanding, but the sense of fulfilment it brings is worth whiling. Succeeding the yatra provides an unforgettable experience of self-discovery, spiritual growth, and cultural immersion.

kailash manasarover tout

Guidelines for Mount Kailash Mansarovar Pilgrimage in 2024

Lake Kailash Mansarovar Yatra is an arduous tour yet attainable tour but not an impossible one! For a successful trip to Mount Kailash Mansarovar, make sure to get in-depth knowledge about the journey which helps to ease in every path. So, we advise you to follow some of the guidelines to conquer the trip successfully listed below:

  • Focus on physical training such as; cardiovascular exercises, leg strengthening, long hours of walking, jogging and somewhat alike.
  • Get the necessary travel documents including a visa for China and a permit for Tibet entry permission. Pilgrims should apply for their visas and permit well in advance of their trip.
  • Carry personal medications and Diamox to prevent altitude sickness as the Mansoravar Himalaya tour is in high altitude region.
  • Bring the right gear, comfortable hiking shoes and warm clothing as the temperature might become cold in Tibet.
  • Maintain hydration level by drinking plenty of water throughout the tour.
  • Eat a healthy diet and enough sleep
  • Avoid drinking alcohol and smoking in higher regions.

Note: Follow each guideline mentioned above and have a delightful experience!

Mount Kailash Mansarovar Destinations

Kailash and Mansarovar Yatra is the main focal point of the tour which pilgrims are excited to embark on. But the tours also offer splendid places which blend the enriched cultures, ancient histories and natural grandeurs.

Lhasa – The capital of Tibet and home to several cultural and historical sites such as Potala Palace, Jokhang Temple, Sera Monastery and many more. Get complete insight into the history and enjoy an opportunity to explore the colourful markets, taste local delicacies and interact with locals as they share some stories.

Everest Base Camp – The most renowned destination in the world, the Everest Base Camp sets you in the most awe-inspiring Himalayan Terrain that everyone desires to be. Marvel at the incredible sights of the world's highest Mt. Everest (8848m). Trekking to the base camp is an adventurous but rewarding experience that takes hikers through diverse landscapes, including lush forests, rugged mountains, and glaciers.

Lake Namtso – One of the sacred lakes located in the Tibetan Plateau encircled by Himalayan peaks and grants breathtaking scenery. Pilgrims believe that taking a dip in the pristine lake's waters can wash away sins and bring good fortune in future.

Zhemgang Valley - a hidden treasure that delves into the traditional Tibetan lifestyle. Explore the ancient villages, monasteries, and temples. Interact with the locals, know about their customs and traditions, and relish the serene ambience of the valley.

Discovering these attractive destinations can magnify the Kailash Mansarovar Yatra experience and provide a deeper understanding of the region's rich cultural heritage and natural wonders.

Ensuring Physical Readiness for the Kailash Manasarovar Yatra

Yatra to Kailash Mansarovar is a complete package of challenges, adventure and thrill which requires a significant amount of physical and mental preparation. The yatra involves usually 6-7 hours of walking. Here’s some tips for building a strong stamina and power to undertake this Journey:

  • Normally before 3 months start your training and prepare your body to tackle any difficulties that occur during the trial.
  • Focus on cardiovascular exercises, leg strengthening, hiking long hours, jogging, swimming and extracurricular activities.
  • Do yoga and meditation to improve your flexibility, balance, and mental focus.
  • Carry a heavy backpack and hike for some hours nearest your area.
  • Engage in some activities like; running, cycling and swimming.

Mansarovar Kailash Yatra Dates for 2024

Mansarovar Kailash Yatra Tour is usually organised from June to September, with the peak season falling in July and August. It is considered the best time to embark during these months when the weather is usually in great conditions and the days are sunny and longer.

During July – August months, the weather can be unfavourable with rainfall and landslides. The journey will become more challenging but offering is mesmerizing to witness. Experience the stunning beauty of the Tibetan landscape, the lush green meadows and breathtaking snow-capped mountains.

In September month, after the rainfall, the sky will be clearer and more visible than before but the weather will be cooler and days will start to become short. But the yatra time will be favourable and amaze you with a greater insight into Mount Kailash. During this time, preparation for cold temperatures is most needed.

From October to May, we advise not to plan the tour because of extreme weather conditions and heavy snowfall, making it impossible to undertake the Kailash Mansarovar Journey.

Note: Above mentioned times are the best time to undertake the journey. Pilgrims can select or choose the dates according to their interests. To navigate clear of the bustling crowds often found during full moon dates, we propose opting for regular departures. For larger groups, we're flexible with any departure dates. Don't have a group? No problem! You can select your preferred date and hop on board our fixed departures arranged by our company.

Kailash manasarover tour

Mt. Kailash Mansarovar Yatra Cost

Normally, the cost during the Kailash yatra may vary based on several factors such as transportation type, accommodation type, and total duration of the tour. Below is a broad summary of the expenses entailed:

Group Tour- Kailash Mansarovar is a group tour where most of the operator offers it in a group. The tour normally includes transportation, accommodation, meals, permits, and a guide charge. In a group tour, the cost starts from $2,500 to $5,000 per person, based on the operator and the level of comfort wished for.

Solo Travelers – If you choose to travel single then, everything should have to plan by yourself. This can be a more cost-effective option. Depending on your choices the cost may vary and the price may be applied from $1700. It might decrease or increase. Depends upon travellers.

Daily Expenses – Along the trail, you want to have some snacks, food and water. This is your demand so the cost may be charged extra. The cost may fluctuate because of the higher or lower altitude normally, it costs between $ 20 and $30 per day.

Extra Expenses - You need to consider some extra expenses, like visa fees, travel insurance, and tips. Visa fees can differ based on your nationality, while travel insurance generally spans from $100 to $200. Tipping is a common practice in Tibet, so it's wise to earmark approximately $50 to $100 for tips during the spiritual yatra.

Note: It's worth mentioning that the costs defined earlier are rough estimates and may fluctuate based on your individual preference and the present-day economic climate. It's informed to appropriate some additional funds for unpredicted expenses.

Mansarovar Lake and Kailash Kora Via Lhasa, the capital of Tibet

The strenuous journey to Mansarovar Lake and Kailash Kora takes you via Lhasa- the capital city of Tibet and the most stunning landscape in the world sets remarks for the rest of your life. One of the exciting journeys that enthral you in every step you take.

Commences the trip from Lhasa, a well-known city soaked in history and culture, and also home to some of the most major Buddhist monasteries in the world. After spending a few days exploring Lhasa, you will set off on your voyage to Lake Manasarovar. Traversing through the amazing Tibetan countryside, high mountain passes, luxuriant valleys, and vast grasslands. Also, encounter some of the most remote and charming villages. Marvel at the glorious view of pristine Lake Mansarovar, and take a dip in the lake which is believed to wash away your sins and provide good fortune in the coming days.

Next, the challenging and thrilling journey begins with a lot of excitement. As the trail is difficult but it is an incredibly rewarding one. The magnificent scenery and profound spiritual ambience are unbelievable. Once you finish the Kailash Kora, your journey will conclude and lead back to Lake Manasarovar before returning to Lhasa.

If you are an adventure seeker and want to challenge yourself with ultimate high-altitude passes then Mansarovar Lake and Kailash KoraVia Lhasa are the options to embark on. It's an expedition that pushes you to your physical and mental confines, yet it's also a voyage that inculcates a heartfelt sense of serenity and calm.

kailash manasarover tour

Tibet Tour with the exploration of Everest Base Camp and Kailash Yatra

The amazing trip includes the most renowned sites and the bucket list dream destination for enthusiasts both Everest Base Camp and Kailash Yatra. Everest Base Camp- the thrilling destination sets the individuals in the lap of the world’s highest Mount Everest (8848m) and Kailash Yatra – one of the holiest spiritual pilgrimage sites famous among Hinduism, Buddhism and Jainism. A complete adventure filled with majestic Himalayan scenery, spiritual sites, cultural and historical sites, beautiful trails, charming settlements and renowned monasteries.

The journey begins from Lhasa, the capital city of Tibet to the incredible Everest Base Camp an exhilarating journey offering a variety of natural wonders. Stand right behind the glorious highest peak and be awful for a while. The experience in the surroundings is just amazing and leaves an indelible mark.

Embark on a memorable journey from Everest Base Camp to Mount Kailash, an admired sacred mountain at the heart of various religions. Experience the challenging yet rewarding Kailash Kora trek, encountering delightful landscapes and various ancient monasteries. Guided by experienced experts, dig into Tibet's rich history, culture, and spiritual practices. Learn more about their daily lifestyles in mountainous areas. This Tibet Tour offers a blend of physical adventure, spiritual growth, and cultural immersion, promising an unforgettable experience at two of Tibet's most iconic landmarks.

Key Components for a Successful Kailash Mansarovar Expedition

Careful preparation and the right gear guarantee a safe and successful tour of Kailash Mansarovar as it is challenging to conquer. Anyone can easily succeed in the tour if the individuals are preparing themselves with some exercise before embarking. Mainly tour demands a proper health conditions and stamina. So, here’s a comprehensive guide to follow before starting the Kailash Tour.

  1. Right Gear and Equipment: Packing suitable clothing and equipment is essential for a smooth yatra. Tibet weather conditions are unpredictable, so it's important to carry warm clothing, including a heavy jacket, gloves, and a hat. Comfortable walking shoes or hiking boots are a must to walk in rough and rugged terrain. In addition, sunglasses, sunscreen, and a reusable water bottle are most important for protection from the sun and hydration.
  2. Preparing for Altitude Sickness: Altitude sickness is a common occurrence during the yatra, as the trails take you to the high-altitude terrain. To prevent this, it's crucial to acclimatize gradually by spending a few days in Lhasa before commencing the yatra. Drinking plenty of fluids, avoiding alcohol and smoking, and taking prescribed medications are the key measures to prevent altitude sickness.
  3. Honouring Local Culture and Traditions: The Mount Kailash Mansarovar Yatra takes place in a region enriched with a cultural and religious heritage. Make sure to be appreciative of the local customs and traditions. This includes dressing humbly, avoiding public displays of affection, and abstaining from taking photographs of religious ceremonies or individuals without their permission.
  4. Physical Preparedness: The yatra involves long hours of walking and trekking, so it's necessary to be physically fit for the Kailash journey. Regular exercise and cardiovascular training can help prepare the body to tackle the challenges of the yatra.
  5. Mental and Spiritual Preparedness: The Mansarovar Yatra is not just about the physical journey but also a spiritual one. Many pilgrims find it helpful to engage in meditation, prayer, or other spiritual practices to prepare their minds and hearts.
  6. Travel Documents and Permits: Getting the necessary travel documents and permits is important to start the yatra. This includes a valid passport, a Chinese visa, and a Tibet Travel Permit. It's important to start the visa and permit application process well in advance to avoid any delays.

kailash manasarovar yatra

Perfect Outline Itinerary for Mt. Kailash Mansarovar Yatra 2024

Day 1: Arrival in Kathmandu (1300 m) transfer to hotel and overnight

Day 2: Sightseeing in Kathmandu. Overnight at Hotel

Day 3: Drive Kathmandu to Sybrubensi (By Tourist Bus). Overnight at Guest House

Day 4: Drive from Sybrubensi to Kerung. Overnight at Guesthouse

Day 5: Drive from Kerung to Saga (5-6 hours, 4640m). Overnight at Guesthouse

Day 6: Acclimatization Day at Saga.Overnight at Guesthouse

Day 7: Drive from Saga to Lake Mansarovar (5-6 hours, 277km, 4558m). Overnight at Guesthouse

Day 8: Exploration Day. Drive to Darchen (1 hour, 40km, 4575m). Overnight at Hotel

Day 9: Kailash Kora. Drive from Darchen to Yamadwar and trek to Dira Phug (5-6 hours, 4900m). Overnight at Guesthouse

Day 10: Kailash Kora. Trek to Zuthrul Phug via Dolma La Pass (5660m) (8-9 hours, 19km, 4760m). Overnight at Guesthouse

Day 11: Kailash Kora. Drive back to Saga. Overnight at Guesthouse

Day 12: Drive back to Kerung. Overnight at Guesthouse

Day 13: Drive back to Kathmandu. |Farewell Dinner Overnight at the hotel

Day 14: Final departure


Hop on this magnificent Kailash Mansarovar Yatra – a commendable tour that offers a profound spiritual experience and a mesmerizing chance to set yourself amidst the heavenly wonders of nature. A truly remarkable tour of the history of both Nepal and Tibet that leaves an impression on each traveller with the astounding Himalayan beauty, amazing spiritual sites, cultural and historical sites, also the adventurous trail filled with lush forests, luxuriant valleys, and quaint settlements.

Be a part of this incredible Mansarovar Lake and Kailash Tour and get meaningful experiences during the voyage. It is surely the adventure of a lifetime!



Mr Ram Sharan Adhikari is a Managing director of Eternal Himalaya Adventure, Trekking exerts in Nepal. Eternal Himalaya provides exceptional trekking experiences in Nepal’s majestic landscape as well as Tibet, Lhasa, Mount Kailash tours and Bhutan tours. Additionally, we invite travellers to experience the beauty of Nepal Himalayas, cultural immersion, and memorable adventures. Eternal Himalaya offers high-altitude trekking, city tours, hiking, mountaineering, helicopter tours, mountain vistas, and cultural encounters to fulfil travellers’ dreams of inspection and the creation of lifetime memories. send us your feedback!