How long have you been dreaming of doing Kailash Mansarovar Yatra – a yatra to the Land of Lord Shiva? No more wait, join a group organized by Eternal Himalaya and make your way to world-renowned pilgrimage sites – the holy Mt. Kailash and pristine Lake Mansarovar. Located in the Western Himalayan ranges of the Tibetan Autonomous Region, the 6,638-meter towering, diamond-shaped Mount Kailash (also known as Kailasa) and the sweeping freshwater Lake Mansarovar (also known as Manas Sarovar) are popular origins of immense energy and profound mental peace for humanity.

Kailash Mountain and Lake Mansarovar are revered as the most sacred places for all these religions such as Hindu, Buddhist, Jain, and Bon faiths. Every year millions of devoted adventure seekers travel here from each corner of the globe from May to October, to cleanse their sins as believed according to Mount Kailash mystery and due to its profound religious significance and stunning natural beauty.

Mount Kailash is at the heart of this divine abode, often called the "Center of the Universe." This impressive Kailash Mountain is believed to be the dwelling place of God Shiva, the destroyer in Hindumythology. Kailash Parikrama/ Kora is the main adventurous part of the Kailash Mansarovar Yatra that every traveller is willing to experience once in a lifetime. However, three days of Kora can be done according to your level of fitness, there travellers can opt for a horse/ pony. As you circumambulate this sacred Mountain Kailash, feel the spiritual energy coursing through every step, transcending you to a higher state of apprehension.

The Kailash Trip lets you traverse through the beautiful landscapes, and ancient temples and challenges you to pass high Dolma La Pass at an altitude of 5630 meters alongside the majestic snowcapped mountains, surreal lakes, and incredible views of Mt. Kailash making the tour worth a dream destination for many peoples. Eternal Himalaya offers a convenient and adventurous way to reach the unbelievable godly destination with different route variations such as Kailash Overland Tour, Kailash via Lasha, Kailash via Nepalgunj, Kailash with Everest Base Camp and Kailash via Lucknow. Choose wisely which matches your preferences, interests and experiences.

Table of Contents

Kailash Lake Mansarovar A Journey Through Myth, Nature, and Spirituality

Mansarovar Lake, cradled at the foot of the revered Mount Kailash, appeared as a sanctuary of tranquillity that has captured spiritual seekers and explorers for generations. It’s also named as, "Lake of Consciousness," embodies its profound spiritual quintessence adored across various beliefs. Devotees embark on this challenging voyage to this fascinating freshwater expanse, believed to have originated from the pure consciousness of deities, seeking purification through a sacred absorption in its crystal midsts.

The serene atmosphere and majesty of the Himalayan panorama relinquish it as a haven for meditation and soul-searching, attracting individuals to embark on a journey of deep self-discovery. Mansarovar Lake's breathtaking beauty is a melodious blend of nature's peacefulness, mirroring the snow-capped peaks of the Himalayas upon its serene surface.

kailash yatra

Puja and Havan During Kailash Mansarovar Yatra

Kailash Mansarovar Tour is a spiritual journey which enlightens every step that pilgrims take. Embarking on a pilgrimage tour to Mount Kailash is considered a highly sacred and religiously significant journey for Hindus, Buddhists, Jains, and Bon followers. Puja (worship) and offerings during a Kailash tour are essential parts of the spiritual experience. Kailash Kora is one of the important rituals during the tour. Usually, circumambulation around Mt. Kailash is done on foot and takes around 2-3 days to complete.

Pilgrims will stop at noteworthy locations during Kailash Kora, to perform puja (worship) and offer prayers, aroma, and other religious offerings. In the Mansarovar Lake, devotees convene mostly during the evening to perform aarti, where oil lamps or candles are ignited and motioned in front of the sacred lake.

Hindus perform ritual baths in the sacred waters of Lake Manasarovar, which is near Mount Kailash, which is considered to purify the body of all sins. Pilgrims believe that taking a dip in this lake washes all the sins and allows spiritual excellence.

Additionally, Pilgrims offer flowers, incense, food, money, and clothes, particularly at noteworthy havens considered holy or significant. By combining these rituals and offerings into the Kailash tour, pilgrims intensify their spiritual connection, seek blessings, and seize in heartfelt acts of faithfulness.

Chanting and Mantras during Kailash Tour

During this religious pilgrimage tour, pilgrims chant and recite mantras are the main elements of the spiritual practices performed during a tour to Mount Kailash. Spiritual practices will relieve pilgrims' minds and souls, help to connect with the angelic and magnify the overall spiritual experiences.

Chanting and mantras are adhered to initiate a direct connection with the angelic, imploring blessings and protection for oneself. Reciting mantras truly helps in prolonging mental focus and serenity, which is crucially important during the physically and mentally challenging pilgrimage. Mantras help to purify and cleanse the mind full of negativity and to harvest a positive spiritual mindset.

Embracing chanting and mantra practices into the Kailash Mansarovar tour enhances the spiritual and religious journey, offering pilgrims with deep inner experiences and a profound connection to the divine.

Circumambulation around Mount Kailash – Kailash Parikrama

Kailash Kora is considered to be a crucial part of any festival, holy ritual and also pilgrimage done around the sacred Kailash Parvat. Not only a form of pilgrimage but also a meditation and a way of understanding. Pilgrims are excited to do Kailash Kora mainly done by the orbiting of the sacred facet in a clockwise direction.

Kailash Kora is the challenging route in this Kailash Yatra Tour which arduously challenges pilgrims to walk on rocky paths passing through charming valleys and high mountain passes. Pilgrims should be good in their physical as well as mental condition to experience the Kailash Parikrama of three days. It is approximately a kora involving a distance of 52 kilometres at an elevation of 5000m However, there is an option to hire a horse/ pony with extra charges.

The kora encompasses two circuits outer kora and inner kora. Which Kailash Mansarovar Tour involves an outer Kora. Pilgrims from every corner of the globe, with good levels of physical ability, undertake the journey, attracted by the captivating glamour of the sacred mountain. Whereas, Kailash Inner Kora is the most renowned and one of the most difficult pilgrimage trips requires some mountaineering experience and trekking equipment. The Inner parikrama involves around 30 km walking distance including Asthapath, Nandi Parvat, Atmalingam, Saptarishi cave, and Rakshas Lingam. The walk will be challenging in a terrain filled with rock, crevices, snow, and ice. Aside from two small monasteries, no human settlements are there in the Inner Kailash region. You’ll have to book the Kailash Inner Kora Trip to experience thrill and challenges.

Hence, the pilgrims believe that circumambulation around Kailash will bring them good fortune and enlightenment in future. The kora includes the incredible gigantic Mount Kailash and the spectacular lake Manasarovar which is also a very holy spot worldwide. The Kora is not merely a physical journey but an allegorical one, marking the repetitive nature of life, death, and rebirth. In each step, pilgrims leave behind their burdens and attachments, cleansing their souls of past karmic engraved and clasping the purity of the present moment.

Kailash parikrama

Religious significance of Mount Kailash and Lake Mansarovar

Mount Kailash and Lake Mansarovar are worldwide renowned holy sites that hold profound significance and are central to the religious beliefs of Hinduism, Buddhism, Jainism, and Bon. Each religion reverence this holy site for its distinctive and deep spirituality, personifying the soul of spiritual arouse and understanding.


According to the Hindu religion, Mount Kailash is believed to be the dwelling place of Lord Shiva and Goddess Parvati. Also revered as the worldly essence of Mount Meru, the divine centre of the universe. Pilgrims who undertake the Kailash Mansarovar Tour know about the belief in Hinduism. If you are new here, then know about this important Kailash Mansarovar fact that circumambulates Mount Kailash on foot, known as the Parikrama/kora, which is believed to bring good fortune and expulsion to the soul of sins. That is why millions of pilgrims visit this amazing land of God Shiva.

Lake Mansarovar situated near Mt. Kailash has a great significance in Hinduism. It is believed to be assembled by Brahma and commanding cleanliness to wash away all the sins. Bathing in the freshwater of Lake Mansarovar is a reflection to offers spiritual benefits and gravel the way to moksha, or liberation from the cycle of birth and rebirth.


For Buddhism, Mount Kailash is believed to be the abode of Buddha Demchok – one of the Buddhist gods who represents supreme bliss. Also, referred to as Kang Rinpoche or “Precious Jewel Mountain. Buddhists believe that circumambulating Mount Kailash and taking a dip in Mansarovar Lake purifies the soul and brings spiritual enlightenment. Additionally, the nearby cave of Milarepa, a highly revered Buddhist sage, is also visited by pilgrims seeking blessings and wisdom.


Jainism, Mount Kailash is known as Ashtapada and is significant as the site where the first Tirthankara, Rishabhanatha, attained Nirvana. Pilgrims voyage to Mount Kailash to pay respect and seek spiritual creation. The pilgrimage emblematizes the path to salvation and the everlasting truth that the Jain faith affirms. This sacred journey highlights the interrelatedness of these faiths and their shared reverence for this holy site.

kailash yatra

Kailash Mansarovar Yatra Cost

The cost of the Kailash Mansarovar yatra may vary depending on several factors. The tour commences from Kathmandu and ends in Kathmandu, and is 14 days. We need a Tibet travel permit and a Tibet visa fee, which makes the trip quite expensive compared to our other travel package. Depending on the group and route, the price starts from $2,500 to $5,000 per person.

The visa fee cost also depends upon your country of origin. Travellers need to provide an original passport for the application. Then, the company will apply for The Tibet Travel Permit, Alien’s Travel Permit, Restricted Areas Permit, and Frontier Pass.

The travel permit cost is already included in our package. Eternal Himalaya arranges all the necessary documents for all the permits and passes. Travellers need to present at the Embassy of Kathmandu for the Tibet visa for biometrics and need to fill out lots of official papers. We will help to complete all the formalities and arrange a visa for you.

Additionally, for a solo or private tour, every document should be arranged by a reputable agency. It will be a private tour and the most convenient tour to Kailash and Mansarovar. This can be a more cost-effective option than a group tour. Depending on your choices and preferences the Kailash Mansarovar tour can be customized and the price will be estimated. The cost may vary depending upon the economic climate conditions as well.

Kailash Mansarovar Yatra Routes

Kailash via Lhasa

Kailash via Lhasa Tour begins with scenic flights from Kathmandu to the holy city of Lhasa, which is also believed to be the cradle of Tibetan civilization. The Lhasa Kailash Tour is a cultural trek as well as an experience of the high plateaus in Tibet. The tour makes stops at some of the most famous landmarks in Tibet including the Potala Palace and Rakshas Lake. We then journey along several Tibetan towns leading to the enchanting Mansarovar Lake and finally to the holy Mt. Kailash.

Not only the magnificent views of the snow-capped mountains but also the impeccable Tibetan landscape will make your voyage a memorable one. Witness Buddhist prayer ceremonies, visit the homes of local Tibetans, and observe religious customs to help understand the Tibetan religion and their lifestyle.

This Tour is considered to be the most comfortable and exclusive means for completing the trail to Kailash Mansarovar. For any traveller or devotee, this trip is a treat for the eyes and soul.

Kailash with Everest Base Camp

Kailash tour with Lhasa and Everest Base Camp is a combination trip of three prime tourist destinations of Tibet. They are Lhasa, situated in China’s autonomous region of Tibet, which has a splendid history of over 13 centuries with many igniting world heritages, Everest Base Camp, the Northern foothill of Mount Everest, the earth’s tallest mountain, and Mount Kailash, the holiest mountain of Asia which is the symbol of fortunate and good luck to the devotees of Hinduism, Tibetan Buddhism, Bon, and Jainism. Kailash Everest Base Camp Tour lets you eyewitness clear views of the North face of Mount Everest and takes you through the gigantic plains of western Tibet for a pilgrimage to Holy Lake Manasarovar and Mount Kailash. This tour is a combination of a simple pilgrimage tour to culture and an adventure tour that gives delight to both Hindus and Buddhists. Not only Hindus and Buddhists but all of the people in this whole world who love adventure.

The extravagant view of the snow-capped mountains the views of the Tibetan plateau along with the rich culture of its people, and the deeply embedded spirituality make Tibet so mysterious and fascinating at the same time. People from across the world aspire to visit Mount Kailash and Mansarovar at least once in their lifetime and feel the holiness of this place and there is no better way to experience Mount Everest and Mount Kailash together in one tour than this.

Kailash via Nepalgunj

Tibet, an autonomous region of China and home to the holy Mount Kailash and Mansarovar Lake is a famous pilgrimage destination for the devotees of Hinduism, Buddhism, Jainism, and Bon religions and an epitome of beauty and admiration to the rest of the world.

Mt. Kailash Manasarovar via Simikot trek allows you to get pleasure from the natural beauty of both the Nepalese and the Tibetan landscapes. This Kailash Manasarovar trek serves both adventure seekers and religious tourists.

The tour proceeded from the border at Hilsa and then headed toward Mt. Kailash and Manasarovar. Circumambulating the mountain, parikrama, or kora on foot is an ancient ritual of devotion that is still practised by devotees with the faith that it will bring good fortune in one’s life. Hindus and Buddhists perform kora/parikrama in the mountain in a clockwise direction whereas Jain and Bonpo religions followers believe in another way around i.e. anticlockwise.

Kailash parikrama begins as soon as we reach Yama Dwar. We will cross the highest elevation during the trek- Dolma la Pass (5700m) while performing the 2nd kora/parikrama. Another major highlight of the Kailash Mansarovar Yatra (journey) is Lake Mansarovar, the highest freshwater lake in the world (4500m). Pilgrims believe that drinking water from the lake or taking a dip or bath in the lake will wash away all their sins for 100 lifetimes.

Kailash overland tour

The Kailash Manasarovar Tour is one of the most popular pilgrimage trips in Tibet. This tour takes you to the holy Mt. Kailash (6636m) which is holy to Buddhists and Hindus.

In addition, Manasarovar Lake is also another attraction on the tour. Along this spiritual trip, one can enjoy the Tibetan culture and lifestyle. The tour gradually makes way to monasteries and religious shrines around Mt. Kailash (6636m).

The months between May to October are the best for this tour. The weather and visibility are also best during these months. This tour is fairly easy except for the risks of altitude sickness. Moreover, you need permits to enter Tibet before beginning the tour.

Kailash via Lucknow

Kailash Mansarovar Yatra, a spiritual and life-changing journey can be accomplished via Lucknow by Helicopter. Yatra starts when our representatives will pick you up from Lucknow domestic airport and then drive to Nepalgunj. We will fly to Simikot from Nepalgunj and then to Hilsa by Helicopter.

This tour allows you to get pleasure from the natural beauty of both the Nepalese and the Tibetan landscapes. The breathtaking beauty of this sacred mountain and the holy lake of Mansarovar along with the ruins of the 9th Century Guge Kingdom in Far Western Tibet is the experience of a lifetime. Circumambulation known otherwise as kora/parikrama of the mountain starts from the Yama dwar.

We will cross the highest elevation during the trek- Dolma la Pass (5700m) while performing the 2nd kora/parikrama. The great lakes Manasarovar and Rakshas Tal which lie in the shadow of Kailash, are also manifestations of aspects of the Hindu religion and symbolize the water tanks at the doorway to every Hindu temple. Just one drop of water from the serenely stunning Manasarovar is said to set one free from the contaminations of the poisonous world.


Perfect Itinerary for the Kailash Mansarovar Tour

Day 1: Arrival in Kathmandu (1300 m) transfer to hotel and overnight

Day 2: Sightseeing in Kathmandu. Overnight at Hotel

Day 3: Drive Kathmandu to Syabrubensi (By Tourist Bus). Overnight at Guest House

Day 4: Drive from Syabrubensi to Kerung. Overnight at Guesthouse

Day 5: Drive from Kerung to Saga (5-6 hours, 4640m). Overnight at Guesthouse

Day 6: Acclimatization Day at Saga. Overnight at Guesthouse

Day 7: Drive from Saga to Lake Mansarovar (5-6 hours, 277km, 4558m). Overnight at Guesthouse

Day 8: Exploration Day. Drive to Darchen (1 hour, 40km, 4575m). Overnight at Hotel

Day 9: Kailash Kora. Drive from Darchen to Yamadwar and trek to Dira Phug (5-6 hours, 4900m). Overnight at Guesthouse

Day 10: Kailash Kora. Trek to Zuthrul Phug via Dolma La Pass (5660m) (8-9 hours, 19km, 4760m). Overnight at Guesthouse

Day 11: Kailash Kora. Drive back to Saga. Overnight at Guesthouse

Day 12: Drive back to Kerung. Overnight at Guesthouse

Day 13: Drive back to Kathmandu. |Farewell Dinner Overnight at the hotel

Day 14: Final departure to home

Essential Dos and Don'ts for a Successful Kailash Mansarovar Yatra

Kailash Trip is a combination of adventure and religious journey, where travellers will encounter many cultural and religious sites. So be prepared for the yatra knowing what to do and not to do. Here’s a list below:


  • Ensure your capability to conquer the trek, and prepare yourself mentally and physically before starting the trip.
  • Carry all the important documents for the trip: Passport, Photocopies of Passport and Passport size photos.
  • As this is a spiritual journey, dress respectfully while touring holy sites and respect the local customs, traditions and cultures.
  • Bring warm and comfortable clothes and footwear and don’t miss out on essential gear for the trek.
  • Maintain a hydration level by drinking plenty of fluids throughout.
  • Listen to your body and rest for a while if it feels like altitude sickness symptoms occur.
  • Carry a first aid kit and your medications.
  • For a safe journey, follow the instructions of your guides and team members.
  • Follow local etiquette, like removing shoes before entering temples.


  • Do not make noise on a sacred site by drinking alcohol or behaving in a mannerless.
  • Avoid disturbing wildlife along the route.
  • Acknowledge and honour the custom by following the religious restrictions on dietary.
  • Don’t disrespect the local’s customs, traditions and culture.
  • Do not contribute any environmental damage, like throwing water bottles everywhere and snack packets
  • Maintain a respectful attitude towards locals and pilgrimage sites.
  • Prioritize safety first and follow all necessary precautions, avoiding any unnecessary risks.

By noting these dos and don’ts, travellers can guarantee a safe and respectful Kailash Mansarovar Yatra journey, while also experiencing the rich spiritual and cultural significance of the route.

kailash yatra

People also asked:

What is the cost of Kailash Mansarovar Yatra?

Kailash Mansarovar Yatra's cost for 2024 typically ranges from $2500 to $5000 depending upon the route, group and nationalities.

Is Kailash Mansarovar Yatra difficult?

Kailash Yatra is not as difficult as travellers assume but yeah there are certain trails and high mountain passes encountered during Kailash Kora that are challenging oo pass. Otherwise, the tour can be done in private vehicles.

Who is eligible for Kailash Mansarovar Yatra?

An individual with an original nationality passport and a valid one from the age group of 18 to 70. And should be physically and mentally fit according to doctor consultation can undertake the Kailash and Mansarovar Tour. Additionally, those individuals who don’t have any serious medical conditions like high blood pressure, asthma, heart disease, diabetes, etc. can also commence on the Kailash journey.

Can a normal person go to Kailash Mansarovar?

Yes, of course, anyone can make their journey to Mt. Kailash and Lake Mansarovar to cleanse their sins and bring good fortune.

Can I touch Kailash Parbat?

Most of the travellers visit just to touch the foot of Mt. Kailash to seek blessing from Lord Shiva. Somehow, it is possible to set yourself in the foothills of Mount Kailash on the second day of Parikrama but Pilgrims have to walk around 4 hours (7kms) from Diraphuk to touch Mount Kailash which is acknowledged as Charan Sparsh and will be difficult one.

Can a Helicopter go to Kailash and Mansarovar?

Helicopters are available from Simikot to Hilsa from Nepal to Tibet. From there, the journey continues with a scenic drive to Lake Mansarovar.

Is a passport required for Kailash Mansarovar Yatra from Nepal?

Yes, a Passport is essential for a Kailash Trip. The trip takes you to the southern region of China, so for visa processing passport is necessary for all nationalities.

When is the best time to undertake the Kailash Mansarovar Tour?

If you’re planning to make a tour to Kailash, then ensure your time during Spring the months of (March to July) and Autumn season the months from (September to October). Also, the peak season – summer season July to August during a full moon. During this time, the weather conditions are amazing, the sky will be clear, mild temperatures, incredible sceneries of desert and high mountains, and peaceful exploration.

Muktinath Helicopter tours

The Muktinath Helicopter tour is one of the most popular adventure tours done by helicopter ride tour. Muktinath Temple (Chumig Gyatsa) is located at the lap of snow-capped mountains at Thorong-La mountain pass at an altitude of 3710 meters above sea level in the Mustang district of Nepal.

This temple is covered in one of the famous trekking routes of the Annapurna Circuit. Muktinath temple is a sacred or holy place for both Buddhists and Hindus in the country. The word "Muktinath" is made from two words "Mukti" and "Nath" which means "Salvation or Nirvana" and "God or Master" respectively. Muktinath has been such a holy site that thousands of devotees visit in search of freedom from the cycle of birth and rebirth.

We start our Muktinath helicopter tour from Kathmandu Domestic Airport. A total tour of Muktinath is around three and a half hours. While flying you see the beautiful view of the mountains Annapurna Range, Mt. Machhapuchhre, Nilgiri Himal, Dhaulagiri Range, etc as well as the view of the Kathmandu valley, Rivers, Forest, picturesque villages, etc. from there and at Ranipauwa which is the gateway of Muktinath Temple. From Ranipuwa either you would walk or hire a horse to reach Muktinath Temple.

There you visit the Muktinath Temple, Jwala Mai Temple, and Mukti Dhara where you see 108 water spouts in the shape of Bulls' heads, Monasteries, etc. The panoramic view from the helicopter visit has all-encompassing views of the Manaslu Himalayan range and the Annapurna Himalayan range. The Muktinath Helicopter Tour is famous for its worship and sacred shower in the 108 water spouts of Mukhi Dhara.

Muktinath helicopter tours


The Kailash Mansarovar Yatra is a pilgrimage that transcends religious boundaries, embodying deep spiritual and cultural values. This pilgrimage, deeply revered in Hinduism, Buddhism, Jainism, and Bon, attracts millions of devotees and adventurers each year who seek to accomplish spiritual enlightenment, inner peace, and physical challenge.

During the Yatra, pilgrims experience a transformative journey that tests their physical endurance, mental strength, and spiritual devotion. The trek to Mount Kailash considered the abode of Lord Shiva, and the circumambulation (parikrama) around this sacred mountain, alongside the holy dip in the pristine waters of Lake Mansarovar, are experiences that leave an indelible mark on the participants.

Book your Kailash tour with Eternal Himalaya to experience qualitative services, friendly staff and a well-managed trip which truly provides an incredible memory that sets for a lifetime.



Mr Ram Sharan Adhikari is a Managing director of Eternal Himalaya Adventure, Trekking exerts in Nepal. Eternal Himalaya provides exceptional trekking experiences in Nepal’s majestic landscape as well as Tibet, Lhasa, Mount Kailash tours and Bhutan tours. Additionally, we invite travellers to experience the beauty of Nepal Himalayas, cultural immersion, and memorable adventures. Eternal Himalaya offers high-altitude trekking, city tours, hiking, mountaineering, helicopter tours, mountain vistas, and cultural encounters to fulfil travellers’ dreams of inspection and the creation of lifetime memories. send us your feedback!